Generating and Integration
Object Engineering has extensive and diverse experience in implementing a big variety of software systems. We can assist you or your software supplier in implementing the modernization by using generation of new components from the metadata obtained earlier. This will have a very positive impact on cost efficiency, especially for large scale systems.
Generating new Artefacts
After completing the analysis process, one can efficiently use the resulting metadata to generate new artefacts based on the target architecture for the new system. Object Engineering has a flexible generation framework, thanks to which special generators can be created with little effort. This sometimes makes a modernization process possible in the first place.
Integration in the Sign of Digitization
Integration in the context of digitization is often underestimated while doing a modernization. Since it is necessary to connect older systems with new systems. Whether mainframe applications or specialized hardware, we bring them all together, as we build bridges to virtually any system and ensure that your data flows.